Custom Prompts#

This cookbook demonstrates how to use custom prompts with Basic RAG.

Note that this cookbook assumes that you already have the Llama-2-13b-chat LLM ready, for more details on how to quantize and run an LLM locally, refer to the LLM section under Getting Started.

Note that this cookbook also assumes that you have already ingested documents into a DeepLake collection called ‘grag’ for more details on how to ingest documents refer to the cookbook called Document Ingestion.

from grag.components.multivec_retriever import Retriever
from grag.components.prompt import Prompt
from grag.components.vectordb.deeplake_client import DeepLakeClient
from grag.rag.basic_rag import BasicRAG

custom_prompt = Prompt(
    input_keys={"context", "question"},
    template="""Answer the following question based on the given context.
    question: {question}
    context: {context}

client = DeepLakeClient(collection_name="grag")
retriever = Retriever(vectordb=client)
rag = BasicRAG(
    model_name="Llama-2-13b-chat", custom_prompt=custom_prompt, retriever=retriever

if __name__ == "__main__":
    while True:
        query = input("Query:")

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