Custom Few-Shot Prompts#

This cookbook demonstrates how to use custom few-shot prompts with Basic RAG.

Note that this cookbook assumes that you already have the Llama-2-13b-chat LLM ready, ` `for more details on how to quantize and run an LLM locally, ` `refer to the LLM section under Getting Started.

Note that this cookbook also assumes that you have already ingested documents into a DeepLake collection called ‘grag’ for more details on how to ingest documents refer to the cookbook called Document Ingestion.

from grag.components.multivec_retriever import Retriever
from grag.components.prompt import FewShotPrompt
from grag.components.vectordb.deeplake_client import DeepLakeClient
from grag.rag.basic_rag import BasicRAG

custom_few_shot_prompt = FewShotPrompt(
    input_keys={"context", "question"},
    question: {question}
    answer: {answer}
    prefix="""Answer the following question based on the given context like examples given below:""",
    suffix="""Answer the following question based on the given context
    question: {question}
    context: {context}
            "question": "What is the name of largest planet?",
            "answer": "Jupiter is the largest planet.",
            "question": "Who came up with Convolutional Neural Networks?",
            "answer": "Yann LeCun introduced convolutional neural networks.",

client = DeepLakeClient(collection_name="grag")
retriever = Retriever(vectordb=client)
rag = BasicRAG(

if __name__ == "__main__":
    while True:
        query = input("Query:")

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