
GRAG gives the user an option to use a config file, in the form of a config.ini. The use of a config file streamlines the process of passing arguments to the various components in the code.

Generate Config file#

To generate a starters config file with default values, run the below command at the location you want the config file.

`` python -m grag.components.create_config ``

File Resolution#

GRAG takes the closest config.ini to the file you run. This enables users to have multiple config files per project, if they require or just a single config file at the root.

Config Format#

config.ini files use the INI file format.

Each section in the config file is the name of the module and each key value pair is the arguments required by the class in the module.

Example Config File#

model_name : Llama-2-13b-chat
quantization : Q5_K_M
pipeline : llama_cpp
device_map : auto
task : text-generation
max_new_tokens : 1024
temperature : 0.1
n_batch : 1024
n_ctx : 6000
n_gpu_layers : -1
std_out : True
base_dir : ${root:root_path}/models

host : localhost
port : 8000
collection_name : arxiv
embedding_type : instructor-embedding
embedding_model : hkunlp/instructor-xl

collection_name : arxiv
embedding_type : instructor-embedding
embedding_model : hkunlp/instructor-xl
store_path : ${data:data_path}/vectordb

chunk_size : 5000
chunk_overlap : 400

store_path : ${data:data_path}/doc_store
namespace : 8c9040b0b5cd4d7cbc2e737da1b24ebf
id_key : doc_id
top_k : 3

single_text_out : True
strategy : hi_res
infer_table_structure : True
extract_images : True
image_output_dir : None
add_captions_to_text : True
add_captions_to_blocks : True
table_as_html : True

data_path : ${root:root_path}/data

env_path : ${root:root_path}/.env

llama_cpp_path : ${root:root_path}

root_path : /home/ubuntu/Capstone_5